At SEO Liverpool this week we thought we’d let you guys into the interesting tools we use for blogging and productivity.
Have a look at these and let us know your thoughts
This blogging tool I’ve been working with for a few months ago. InboxQ essentially helps you to come up with better blog topics. This tool helps you find questions people are asking on Twitter.
The Content Idea Generator
The Content Idea Generator (v2) is a Google Doc that will automatically find news and related stories for your blog from a variety of sources… everything from Google News to Reddit, from tweets to public Facebook updates and more. Just search for it in Google.
Focus Booster
Focus Booster is a tool that many bloggers use to increase writing productivity. I’m the first to admit that I have an incredibly short attention span. My creativity thrives in short spurts of activity with frequent breaks. With Focus Booster I can concentrate on writing and turning ideas into blogs.
Storify is a great way to curate articles and opinions on any given topic or capture reactions to an event in real time.
Storify can help illustrate a point with third-party content and comments or help bring to life an event by pulling in activity from the news stream or Twitterverse. We’ve previously used Storify on our blog to share news and tweets during a conference.
We’re not saying these are the best tools, but they will help.